Giving Thanks
It’s been difficult to blog lately. Not only have I been overtaken with a storm of emotions throughout our move to the Netherlands and back, but also I’ve been
following the adage, if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
Suffice it to say, lots of bad was going
down, and not much good.
Despite the shit storm we endured, I’d have to say in
many ways I learned I was the richest woman in the word. For if a person counts their wealth in
friends, I realized that when it comes to the people I have in my life, I’m
richer than The Donald.
Since November holds Thanksgiving—how cool is it that we
have a holiday to just be grateful, and pig out while doing so—I thought it was
appropriate to give a shout out to the many people and things for which I am
Here they are in no particular order:
Thanks to Sam and Dan for taking care of our second child
for nine weeks. Not only did Sam quickly
offer to take Wasabi, but he and Dan drove down to Portland and enfolded Wasabi
into their loving home.
Thanks to Anne, Mike and the gang at Three Dogs who
continually assured me that Wasabi was doing okay and rolled with all the
changes we kept throwing their way.
Thanks to April, who not only picked Dylan and I up with our
six enormous bags, but fed us gourmet meals and sheltered us until we could get
into our home.
Thanks to Bob and Susan.
They not only took amazing care of our home, but they made it possible
for Dylan and I to move back right away.
They did not have to do this, and yet they still did. We are forever in their debt.
Thanks to Kerry, who was my proxy through all of this. She dealt with the bills, the mail and taking
care of things I couldn’t do while overseas.
She also made me feel missed and loved.
Thanks to Bernetta who talked me off the roof during the
worst night of our entire time in Eindhoven.
Not only did she give me excellent advice, she stayed on the phone with
me for hours as I muddled my way through the latest crises.
Thanks to Ronda and Declan, who thought of me when they
needed some help and offered me a job—I start next week!
Thanks to Rhonda in D.C. who picked me and Dylan up at the
airport, fed us and let us stay with her for a whirlwind 22 hours before we had
to return to the Netherlands.
Thanks to Lauren, Elena and the team at St. Mary’s who made
a space for Dylan and were wonderful during this transition with their
excellent communication.
Thanks to the many girlfriends who I emailed and called, all
offering loving, and kind support. You
know who you are, but not everyone else does: Lili, Athena, Luann, Suzanne,
Starla, Rachael, Paula, Linda, Kara, Nancy, Moira, Laura, Lora, Amy, Amanda, Daksha,
Ruby, Susi, Ro, Heidi W., Wendy Z., Anita, Jenny and Shannon.
Thanks to Marianne, Redd, Mychal, and Steve who welcomed me back
at Milos with hugs, iced tea and benedict before I could even slide into my
seat at the counter.
Thanks to my friends on Facebook who still “liked” me, even
when I whined about being in Paris.
Thanks to our folks, who endured a very bare, sullen and
cold European existence with us.
Thanks to Kathy and Megan who befriended us while in
Eindhoven and helped make things much easier.
I must say it wasn’t people who made things difficult for us
while overseas. Well, maybe there are a
couple who stand out as a pain in the ass, but it was more the system and
circumstances. But there were Nick,
Lydia, Remy, and Walter, all Dutch, and all who made things a little nicer.
I need to wrap this up, but I must say that I’m most
thankful for two others in my life. They
are Dylan and Andy.
While there were horrid moments together that I think Dylan
and I would rather block from our memories, I am thankful that she is motivated
to learn and wants a lot out of a school which is a “problem” many parents
would gladly trade in a New York second. She not only went into this move, more game
and optimistic than 99% of the kids her age,
she adapted to many things in Europe far better than her mom.
What can I say about Andy that you didn’t already know
except for his integrity and devotion to us as a father, husband and provider,
stands strong as he works his ass off in Eindhoven without his family. The visits home will be too few, the weeks
too long, but unlike millions who must endure time apart from a family member (military,
migrant workers, prisoners, people who must leave their country for years
before the rest of the family can join) we know Andy is doing challenging and
exciting work and that there will be an end to our separation.
Many times throughout these past months I’ve been told that
this experience will provide great writing material. While I may or may not ultimately write about
our time away, I am thankful that I have writing as an outlet. In fact, I don’t know what people who don’t
write do when life is a struggle. How do
they process the images, the hurt, the disappointment, if not through
words? Writing helps me sort out my
feelings and provides a shelter, though it is one I usually seek once the storm
has passed. Nevertheless, I understand
that I have much I owe to my writing. I
think of it as a gift from the gods, and the words come through me, not
necessarily from me. But these words
above are definitely mine; thanks, grazie, danke, and merci.