Only Planet

One Child, One Year, One Planet. A family of three traveling around the world...

You can contact us at werkingwells (at) gmail . com

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

500 Pounds

The tune I'm gonna be (500 hundred miles) by the Proclaimers has been running through my head all morning because that's the magic number we've been dealing with around here for the past week.

500 Pounds.

That's what we're taking to Eindhoven.  Actually given the six 50lb bags of luggage we're checking on the plane and the 3 roll ons, it's going to be a bit more, but 500 lbs is what we get air shipped to Europe.    Don't worry, we're not wearing the same three shirts for the next two years and sleeping on a bed made of grass pulled off the side of the canals.  FEI is giving us a furniture budget in lieu of shipping all of crap to Europe in a 20 foot container.  Believe me, it's a better deal for them by a mile.

What has been pretty theoretical for the past couple of months, "oh cool, we're moving to Europe" has now become a box-filled, paper strewn reality.  We've been in serious packing mode the past couple days, never mind that I've been packing since the end of May.  Most people would say I'm kind of a minimalist and don't have a lot of stuff, but given that the majority of what we own has been accumulated since 2006 I have to wonder, where did it all come from and why?!  I've always imagined that if the Zombie Apocalypse happened it wouldn't take much to get out of my house with what I needed, but I now realize I'm very wrong.

Despite the stress level cranked up to 11 these days, dare I say the move is going well?  So far only one thing has been packed that shouldn't have--a small alarm clock--and Dylan's still sticking around.  Once the mover load up the van(s) it's just a couple days till lift off.


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