Only Planet

One Child, One Year, One Planet. A family of three traveling around the world...

You can contact us at werkingwells (at) gmail . com

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Birth Announcement

I am thrilled to announce the arrival/completion of my book, Dispatches From An Only Planet. After ten months of writing, critiquing, rewriting and editing, the first completed draft was finished at 11:58 pm, July 13, 2011. It came in at 46,044 words and weighing a hefty 172 pages.

Dispatches From an Only Planet is a collection of seven short stories and six essays, all revolving around the theme of travel. The stories feature:
A couple of uber travelers who pare down their baggage to the point that they find they can no longer carry a relationship.
A young girl who runs away from a life of diminished expectations only to discover her home during one terrifying moment on a carnival midway.
A grieving mother who magically finds she can speak every language in the world, only to realize she has to have the one conversation she's put off for a year.
The essays probe and explore questions like:
what happens when a psychic plans your route?
what is pigeon soccer, and
where do you go when you've fallen out of love in the City of Love?

Within the pages of Dispatches From an Only Planet you'll find a place where love, murder, hubris, passion and a bit of magic collide, because travel can do that to people.

So what next? I hand off the manuscript to a trusted friend or two for a complete edit. Then I pitch to agents at the Willamette Writer's conference in August, and with any luck this puppy will eventually be picked up by agents and a publishing house. If not, I may explore self-publishing options. Whatever the result, it will find it's way out into the world. In the meantime I'm going to take a well-deserved break (have been pushing this out since June 24th, working 10 hour days) and get back to work on my other project; a screenplay that will also be pitched to agents in August.

ps, unless you are an agent, I won't be sending any copies out until it is published. At that point I'll be pimping them out for everyone to buy a copy!


Blogger Jessica said...

Mazel tov (it's not just for weddings) and a huge congratulations to the hard-working mother and newly hatched collection. I know that a lot of thought, contemplation, creativity, and sacrifice went into creating these stories. May they find many readers in this wide-spread planet we occupy.

July 14, 2011 8:38 AM  

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